Thank you Jay Shetty, As always!

by - July 31, 2018

Day 4
31st July 2018

Burning Desire! 

That's what I've always been looking for and that's what I really need in my life at this moment. A boost or projection to one position that is better than before. 

I keep repeating this to everyone that I have a deep conversation with. Mentor, Coach or Guide that who's knowledgeable and know what's best for the next step. Rather than spoon feeding, he gave me a journey to remember. 

It's okay, The idea is to never ever give up and to never ever be afraid. Face this fear and make it your friends. I'm lost, I know that but for sure I'll do it as always. 

Happy Birthday! 

Happy birthday Yanie, wish you all the best and live and may Allah bless you always. Thank you for making my brother Kifah the happiest person alive. It may be hard for him to find his suitable partner but hey, you're the gangster that win his heart, Much love girl. <3 nbsp="" p="">

Day's are much better. I'm emotionally stable as always when I'm on my medication. Gonna keep this journey alive and keep writing about it till I would say "Hey, I've made it" But I kinda noticed that even though things are better, I'm still at lost. I'm still searching and planning what's my next step. Navigating in the darkness is not easy, but I do know at the end of the tunnel there will be light. 

It's almost a week and closes to a month of silence from Mom, Dad, and Kiff. Super weird but I'll make things better. Like I said, just need some space to pick myself back up. I would love to make the move faster but I gotta go through this alone and more will be part of it, I promise! 


Yeap, I'm writing on the 1st of August 2018 and life starts now. I'm much more confident of what needs to be done be better and always make a wiser choice. Just like Maya Angelou said 

“I've learned ed that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

It's all about within. If I wanna make the change, it comes from me! 

Come with me on my journey and watch the history change. I will make the change. :) 

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